Wednesday, October 7, 2009

WORDLESS WEDNESDAY...(okay, just a few words)

Last Friday Natalie and I went to see her Aunt Cari's pep rally. Then we came back home. She brought me a Spider Lily (flower) and wanted me to put it in a vase. I could not find a bud vase. All I could find was a vase for a bouquet of flowers. So I told her to pick more flowers [since we had plenty]. She came back after just a few minutes with a whole bouquet and as soon as she gave them me she started rubbing her eyes. I thought, "Oh no! She's allergic to these flowers." Then I remembered she had been playing with the newest litter of kittens here on our cat farm. I am sure she is more likely allergic to cats than these flowers [since her daddy is allergic to them too]. So as cute as this image is with Natalie and the bouquet of flowers, it would have been cuter without her red eyes!

~~Natalie's Mimi~~

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