Natalie: "Oh, I love them!"
Natalie to Momma cat: "May I hold one?"

Momma cat: "No."
Momma cat: "I said no!"
Momma cat: "Please give me her back!"

Momma cat: "Is she okay?"
Natalie admiring the kitten. Momma cat gives up! But doesn't relax as long as Natalie has her baby...who could blame here.
Natalie: "Hush! I said Hush!
This was a sad moment for Momma cat and Baby kitten, but quite funny too. Natalie was squeezing kitten which is why she was screaming, but Natalie was continually yelling Hush! We were cracking up...poor kitty.


I sent the three of them outside. I was editing images, cooking supper and continually looking for Natalie to see what she was into...she goes from one thing to the next, but her favorite things to get into that she isn't suppose to is paint, nail polish and make-up. Later on this day, she found paint in Cari's room. It took her getting into it a few more times before we put it completely out of reach since we can't seem to lock Cari's door!

So Brittany remembered how cool the big bubbles wands are. One day she and Cari came in from softball conditioning while I was out playing bubbles with Natalie. These aren't the sharpest images. My camera still had some settings from the session I had that morning with Katie Smith's extended family session that we did at Melrose. But I think it is cool to have images captured of a family just having fun...not often do people get that. At first they didn't even know I was taking them. They had a lot of fun until they couldn't take the mosquitoes any longer. We don't usually have them too bad here, but we have lately.

Notice the big bubble that I circled that Natalie is trying to catch. I love it! I love the expressions on her parents face too!

Cari trying to entertain Natalie playing with play-doh while I was trying to finish supper and while her parents were gone to town to get ice cream and a movie for after supper.

Natalie says, "No...I do it myself."
Natalie is in the "I do it myself" phase. It gets really bad sometimes. She will give us the biggest fits over this...literally. Sometimes you can persuade her, sometimes you just give in, but sometimes it is a knock-down-drag-out fight. This too shall pass... at least that's what I keep thinking. But all the really cute moments make up for these gut wrenching moments!
---Natalie's Mimi
Eating chocolate ice cream with Mommy & Daddy while we were watching a movie.
She was already dressed for bed after the much needed bath that was necessary after the paint incident ealier that day. Yes, she had to change night clothes before bedtime!