Sunday, March 16, 2008

SUBWAY: 03.16.08

WELL WE HAD TO EAT ATER OUR TIRING PORTRAIT SESSION... So we were starving after the engagement session at the lake. We had to go to Vidalia to pick up Cari and to take movies where have we NOT ate lately? Yes, Subway! How do you like that "cheese"? [for the above image]
[for the image below...]
I think this is a delayed attemp at another "cheese". You know how those darn point and shoot cameras are. That's the end of this Sunday evening. We spent our late afternoon and early evening at the the lake during the engagement portraits (something we've been intending to finish for months--we did the first half on LSU campus months ago). We photographed until dark. Picked up Cari. Ate at Subway and then made back home around 9:15 or so. I quickly scanned the images for sharpness and for cute images with Natalie. I am posting that next. I only doing a few that's all I have had time to view. I have a busy week ahead of me. Tomorrow I am getting off to an early start to go to Alex. (something I have been needing to do since before the trip to Memphis). Cameron is home this week for spring break. I am several more new sessions and the Good Friday is Prom. So I have pics before and during the prom for that. So as Tigger would say it, "Ta Ta for now!"

~~Natalie's Mimi~~

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