Sunday, April 27, 2008


NATALIE (20 MONTHS OLD) I took these images the same day that we went to the park. The park was the reward (bribe) for doing as Mimi asked. It was such a difficult age in things like this, but rewarding for cooperation had begun by this time. I clearly remember the first time it really worked well. It was when I did the bunny portraits a few weeks early than this.

Cameron, Natalie's Daddy, bought her this dress for Valentine's. When the Azaleas were blooming so beautiful, I realized it would be perfect to photograph her in with them in the background. As you can see in this images, I was right.

I love this funny face expression. I remember my children going through a phase of this too. I am not sure when it ended, but I remember capturing many images with my children when they were toddlers too with this expression. You gotta love it!

There it is again with a little drama added to it!
This was a stressful portrait session to capture. It is always more stressful with your own. Cari was a great help with Natalie. She has been so helpful. I am so glad I have her to help me with Natalie and other things too. She's so good about not complaining when I ask for her help.

I hope you enjoy these. I never have printed them. Digital images are cool in one way, but often they stay on our hard drive waiting to be viewed again.

~~Natalie's Mimi~~

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