Tuesday, June 16, 2009

BACKTRACKING #1: Easter at Mimi's on Good Friday (04.10.09)

It was on Good Friday. Natalie spend the actual holiday in Baton Rouge with her parents. So this was "our" Eastertime with her.
And as you can tell by the expression, Natalie was very excited about her chocolate bunny that the Easter Bunny left her at Mimi's house. She (like her Mimi) loves chocolate!
And what is Easter without Peeps. You did notice the pink peeps, huh. And yes, they come in pink too! If PINK is an option, I go for it...it's my favorite color, but best of all, PINK IS NATALIE'S FAVORITE COLOR.

He (The Easter Bunny, aka MIMI) also brought Natalie some new items for her doll house that she had gotten for Christmas.

I wanted her to have this little girl to go with the new little girl's bedroom furniture, but it came with this dad. Her doll house that Santa brought her to Mimi's house included a mommy, daddy and a set of boy/girl twins. So I told her this guy was their Uncle Danny (like my brother--aka her Uncle Danny). Since then, he has been Uncle Danny, a big brother and I also think another dad...not sure where that came from (nothing from real life...just a child's imagination).

Since she her 2nd Easter, we have made it a tradition to dye eggs together before Easter Sunday and I knew this would probably be our only opportunity since she was going back to BR.


As you can see, she was very proud of it.

Emma came with Natalie and her mommy thus she dyed eggs with us too, the more, the better, huh?

And by the way, Natalie and Emma are wearing old tees over their good clothes to avoid having permanently dyed clothes. Natalie's tee was one her daddy's that she wears to paint, play with markers, etc. She loves knowing that it was her daddy's so much that everytime she wears it that she asks again if it was her daddy's T-shirt. Like the answer will change!

Natalie's Cross Egg (I think Aunt Cari drew it on the egg.)

I always love her serious face when she is concentrating on a task like this.

By Cari's expression, I am guessing that she had just as much fun dying eggs as Emma and Natalie.

She was proud of this one.

Poppa helping Natalie.

I think Natalie is admiring Aunt Cari's egg.

Their unique creation...

Not wanting to pose for Mimi...

Thankfully, she changed her mind! I love this one!

...and this one.

Silly girl or is it Drama Queen!
Another one of my faves from this activity...

Natalie and Emma...

After we colored our eggs, Cari and Brittany hid eggs for Emma and Natalie.
Let the fun begin...

Finally, I get her to look at me and the camera!

More eggs over here too...

and here too...


Next Natalie and Aunt Cari hid plastic eggs from Emma and Brittany. Aunt Cari took these photos for me while I fixed stuffed eggs with the real ones.

Natalie's Mommy (Brittany) posing with an egg she found. Aren't us mommies such good sports!

The egg finders: Emma and Brittany

Natalie's green fingers with her "daddy" egg...

Time to eat some boiled eggs...
Natalie, Brittany and Emma ate a boiled. They only ate the white which gave me more yolk for my stuffing for my "stuffed" eggs. Yes, some people call them deviled eggs, but a long time ago, a christian friend/cousin of Randy suggested calling them stuffed eggs instead. Why give the devil any credit! Great advice and it has certainly stuck with me all these years!
I have no actual photos from Easter day. I did buy me and Cari a new dress and a new shirt and pants for Randy. We went out to eat at Ruby Tuesdays after church, but since I found myself really sad that Natalie was here with us on Easter Day, I didn't take any photographs. I regret it now, but sometimes you just can't help the mood that slips upon you.

~~Natalie's Mimi~~

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