Wednesday, June 17, 2009

BACKTRACKING #5: ABC'S in the tub? (05.04.09)


Natalie looks a little surprized in this one. Since it has been about 6 weeks ago since I captured this group of images, I don't remember exactly what this moment was, but I am still glad I have it. She looks so sweet and innocent in it.

Here she is being a silly girl. Since she was a toddler, she has enjoyed laying on her back in tub and swirling around. I think at that time (when she first started) she thought it was swimming. Now almost four years old, she is getting a little big for this fun activity in the tub. Too bad we can't easily, quickly, and inexpensively purchase a bigger tub so that she doesn't have to outgrow this activity.

This was the first image that appeared. I took several, but I am only posting one because they were the same. I guess I should have took images as she was doing this. She put all these letters on the wall in order. After she got further down the line, she would sing the song to remember which letter was next.

Can't put the camera up w/o getting some funny faces first.

An image captured during some of her "tub twirling". I love, love it and you guessed it...because of her eyelashes.

A different perspective/angle: It's nice to see things differently from time to time.
Don't you think?
Okay, 12 more Backtracing posts to go...actually 13 because I think I am breaking up #8. I am going to make a Part A and Part B. It's all from the same day, but two completely different activities. So stay tuned.
~~Natalie's Mimi~~

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