Wednesday, June 17, 2009

BACKTRACKING #4: Picking Wild Blackberries (04.29.09)




OH! Okay I see now!

[OFF SUBJECT: Notice Natalie's Minnie Mouse Earrings. These were Cari's when she was younger. She recently cleaned out her room getting rid of many things from her "little girl" days such as these ear rings. Much of Cari's trash is a new treasure to Natalie.]

Watch for the thorns/briars. Actually, think Poppa is explaining to Natalie that we pick the BLACK berries not the red ones.

Poppa showing Natalie where some more berries are.
The briars reminded me of this Disney Story, "Brer Rabbit and the Tar Baby", a little story book that my kids had or this story "The Laughin' Place and the Wonderful Tar Baby" that is included in a collection Disney Classics book that we have. The note on the story reads, "Adapted from Walt Disney's Motion Picture, Song of the South, based on Tales of Uncle Remus by Joel Candler Harris. Click here to read a short little version that I found online about the Tar Baby. It's a cute little story that rabbit is tricked and caught by his enemy Brer Fox and Brer Bear and how Brer Rabbit used his wits to trick them which in the end provided an opportunity for escape. Natalie loves for me to read this story. I, on the otherhand, do not care to read it that much. It is told in this southern/country/redneck style using words that are not in the english dictionary--words that I do not know how to pronounce. For example: "Nice wedder diz mawnin"." Interpretation: "Nice weather this morning." That I can read...probably in my own southern style, but try reading someone elses! So I don't know if Natalie just likes the story or likes me struggling to read it! LOL
Trying to keep her balance in the "briar patch"...

She thinks she got a briar/thorn somthing in her hand...

She's sure she does now...and using a little dramatic expression to show her pain and anxiety.
She got over it...actually I think I got it out.

Show Mimi you blackberry...

Poppa has a handful for Natalie.

I love this expression!

Posing...I think I can see her hands on her hip.

The End!
This is one of those few times that I didn't overshoot because my battery died. I put the camera up and helped Natalie and Poppa pick berries. I am glad we shared this experience with Natalie, but I don't think we'll be making an annual event of it. She wasn't to impressed with the taste of Wild Blackberries.
~~Natalie's Mimi~~

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