Monday, June 9, 2008

Daddy's Graduation Last Year...Class of 2007

In efforts of catching up, I knew I would post images of Natalie's of the events in Natalie's World this spring along with wedding showers and such. So it made me think of last year's graduation too... Natalie and her Mommy and Daddy after her daddy's graduation, May 2007
The next image Natalie's Mimi's family (my family) on the same night.
Natalie's Mommy and Daddy
Kind of cute, uh...catching this one of her looking at him:
Natalie acting silly...not sure what that about other than the silliness that little children to when they are a little nervous or put on the spot.

Finally a cheese from Natalie and her daddy:
Natalie and her Aunt Cari while we were waiting to find out where graduation would be held: in the gym or out on the football field. It had rained that afternoon and the field was wet, but it had stopped so they at the last minute the decsion was made to go to the field. Thank bad as it was sitting on the wet bleacher, it would have been worst in the hot gym. I did happend to bring a few towels with me just in case.
Natalie, Aunt Cari and Brooke (my niece)...
Natalie and her other family, from right to left: Natalie's Mommy, her aunt, Emma, Natalie, her Nonna and her Papaw.
Daddy on the field with his classmates...
receiving his diploma... moving the tassel...
This one is out of order, but this is Cameron in line before it starts.
The other angle of Cameron moving the tassel...

Next is mommy's graduation, almost a year later.
Photos by Natalie's Mimi (me) and my Friend (Pam, fellow photographer) thus the reason we had two different angles.
~~natalie's mimi~~

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