Thursday, August 14, 2008


In less than a week my little sweetheart will be moving to B.R. with her parents just as she should. It makes me sad knowing that our time together will soon have to be quality time rather and quantity with lots of quality. All summer we have tried to make the most of our summer and do lots of fun know...make lots of happy memories.
So when Natalie woke up from her nap, we headed to local McDonald's playland. But by the time we maded there, it was about time for one of us to leave to pick up Cari from church. So Randy left while I stayed and photographed Natalie.
Here she is having fun and running wild...

This cute little girl wanted to be photographed too. It's so funny. My kids (including Natalie) get tired of being photographed, but other people's children are begging to be photographed. Normally I would take a lot of the unknown children and just delete them later (since I dont' know them). But this time I purposely took only a small memory card (to avoid overshooting...Did you know I am a member of "Overshooters Anonymous"?) so that I would save hard drive space and only take a few. So I must admit when this little girl popped up every time I picked up my camera, I was frustrated. But I finally took a few of her too so that I could get some of Natalie. I didn't have much of choice since Natalie kept following her around.

There they both are again...

When she left, she played with this other group of 3 children. It was so cute. The older child (maybe about 6-8 yrs old) lead them all in a game of Simon Says. So Sweet!

When Cari and Randy were on their way back, I went to order food. Natalie spotted this with some other boys putting change in. So as soon as I finished my transaction, Natalie had her turn with my change.

watching the money go down...

Her expression of delight once it went down...

The coloring was a little off because I forgot to turn the flash back on and it was the last image on the card. So no more how about a black & white?
I am going to miss doing lot of little things like this during the week. I hope we make up for it with lots of fun weekends with Natalie.

~~Natalie's Mimi~~

1 comment:

Nikki said...

She is beautiful, and I LOVE that 'children are the hands...' picture on yoru sidebar- stunning!

Nikki for a fresh look to help a great cause!